justunfollow twitter app,you can say bye to all those that have not yet followed you back after following them.it is annoying to follow some one on twitter hoping he or she would follow back.due to this, one has to look for a way to unfollow those who do not follow back.but detecting those that are not following you back could be cumbersome using twitter.twitter does not have the feature to see those that are not following you except when you try to send message to them,then twitter will alert you that the person is not following you which is not cool,but their is a tool you can use on twitter to fish out those that are not following you back so as to
unfollow them and continue your search for more twitter friends.
justunfollow twitter app. you can unfollow all those that are not following you so that the equation will balance.after spending much time looking and following people, at the end they will refuse to follow you back thus the need to
unfollow them will be the next option.
justunfollow will enables one to see the list of people that have not fulfilling their part of the deal.so if you have followed some one and that person is not following you back,then you can detect them and unfollow the person with
justunfollow twitter app.
detect and unfollow those on twitter who do not follow back |
what is justunfollow
justunfollow is a cool twitter app to use as a means to
unfollow those who are not following you back, with just unfollow free version, you have the chance to detect and unfollow 25 person's that does not follow you back daily.to increase your 25 chance to 50,just twit the advert that
justunfollow will pop up to gain 50 chance daily.
how to unfollow those that do not follow back using just unfollow
www.justunfollow.com/login.html,then authorized the application to gain access to your twitter account.
step2:after authorizing the application,it will redirect you back to justunfollow website.you will see the option to unfollow which is
show non followers,click it and wait for some minute to detect those person's that are not following you back.
step3:after detecting those unfollowing you, just click the unfollow to start unfollowing them one by one till you reach 25 for first time.they will pop up an advert whether to upgrade for some few dollars and also they will tell you to twit their advert to gain up to 50 chance to unfollow people daily, after that you will have to come the next day.that's all.ENJOY.
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