1kjobsonline is a website that connect buyers and seller alike together.if you have any knowledge you are willing to share for #1000,then
1kjobsonline is the right place to be.this site is just like fiver, where people do things for just $5.but this time,there is a Nigerian version since most of us do not have a verified papal account to use fiver.after registering to an account with them,you will be given
1kjobsonline referral code which you can use to make #500 per referral if they sign up.any person you
refer to 1kjobsonline using your referral code,you will be entitle to #500 if and only the referred person to 1kjobsonline has activated his account.
so its not just the referral,but also they should signup and activate their account.imagine referring up to 20 people to 1kjobsonline within a month,calculate it and tell me the result.so if you are a Nigerian and you are looking for ways to make money online at home,then you should give 1kjobsonline a try.you never can tell,your first earning may give you reason to start making money online.how do i get started with 1kjobsonline referral program.so start referring people to
1kjobsonline and make #500 per referred person
#500 per referral |
you can sell and buy any stuff you like from the site which include,software, eBook,services, song, banner, logo etc.example: i will sell my fairly used laptop for #1000 only.any product you wish to sell must not exceed #1000.so now you get the gist.
how does 1kjobsonline referral program works
step1:signup to 1kjobsonline and go to your email to confirm the link that will be sent to you.
step2:after confirming the link,sign into your account and click on profile,then click on the referral program to get your 1jobsonline referral code from the drop down list.you can choose whether to use their banners or text referral code.
step3:to make money from your
1kjobsonline referral code,all you need to do is to start distributing it on forum,Facebook,twitter,with friends.any one that
signup to 1kjobs using the code,you will be credited with #500 only when the referred person activates his or her account.NOTE:you need to activate your 1kjobsonline sellers account with #1000 before you can carry any activities through the site.that's all.ENJOY.in my future post, i will share with you the hot and cool popular demands stuff you can sell on 1jobsonline to make cool money for your self.so
signup to 1kjobsonline now. in other not to miss out,subscribe to my feeds
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