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LASU 2012/2013 post ume application form is out : TRUE or FALSE

LASU 2012 post ume application form is it TRUE or FALSE.some student that registered Lagos state university (LASU), have been asking me to confirm if their 2012 post ume form is available for sale in various banks in Nigeria.i know the tension is i have done series of research to confirm it but there is no concrete result yet as it is not clear to me if its out.according to the information i gathered, some students of the school told me that LASU 2012/2013 post ume registration form is out.

according to them, the utme application form is out but only available to the banks inside school premises.well, to me this is kind of rare for such a university of this standard to sell their forms inside the school premise.also if the form is out, they would have posted it on their official website OR

they said the utme form is #1000 which only banks in the school are selling.some people were even saying the LASU 2012/2013 post ume exam test is schedule to hold on 4th JUNE-7th JUNE while some said its on 12th JUNE to 18th JUNE 2012.i don't really know what to say.they said they are writing their first semester exams.well, my opinion is that any candidates that registered the said university as their choice of school, should not in any means give some one money to buy the form.

you shouldn't rush to get it.i know that some candidates from other states who do not reside in Lagos would be eager to buy it.if you wish to buy it, then i would advise you to go straight to the university premises to confirm it, if its really out.also do your research well before making up your minds.i will update you guys as time goes on, when i am sure of the post in order not to miss my updates, subscribe by email and never miss any future updates Subscribe by email
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that's all.ENJOY.

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6 Responses to "LASU 2012/2013 post ume application form is out : TRUE or FALSE"

  1. Please when is NDU 2012 Post ume form coming out

  2. I am even confuse my self.i really don't know if i should go to lag.i stay in abuja

  3. I dn't knw y lasu things is always diff.they should mak d form avail 4 every1 instead of selling it in d school premises alone,mtcheew

  4. Pls! i choose computer science & botany as my 1st choice n 2nd choice n i want 2 know if it's goin 2 be two sitting written exam or one sitting n d date of d exam. need d reply nw! pls! tankz!

  5. please what is the state of LASU external campuses especially the one at Ogba.
    Has it been closed down with no arrangement for the teaming population of innocent undergraduates there, or was it a fake from inception floated by some unscrupulous LASU big wigs to make money at the expense of innocent education seeking Nigerians.
    I am much affected because I have three of my wards in that school and it stares me in the face now that I have wasted time and money with no place to redress my losses.


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