Fix Blogger Layout Widgets With Scroll Bar Covering The Edit Button At Sidebar. blogger dashboard now have a scroll bar on the layout option where widgets are normally added to our blogger blog and this is forcing the widget edit button to be covered by the scroll bar at the sidebar and other positions, leaving bloggers with issues because they would be unable to edit some of the gadgets they have added on blogger layout. lots of changes have been made by google recently and blogger is not excluded. this changes has affected blogger platform as blogger dashboard now have scroll bar on some of the options which includes, layout, post, template, settings etc.with this changes made on blogger dashboard, you will discover that when you click on any of the aforementioned options, you will see a scroll bar at the sidebar, causing the page to shrink in responsive mode. this did not affect the various options aside the layout.on this post, i will show you how to Fix Blogger Layout Widgets With Scroll Bar Covering The Edit Button At Sidebar
google also made changes on their keyword planner tool by removing the actual search result data and replacing it with range search result.with such changes, it gives result in ranges instead of the actual searches made by internet they have extended their changes on blogger dashboard, giving them no other choice than to comply with their terms and condition. the catch to this changes will force many bloggers to make use of blogger default template instead of using any third party template you downloaded online. this means that, if you are making use of any third downloaded template, you will experience the scroll bar covering your layout gadgets edit button but if you revert back to any of the default blogger template, then it will be resolved.
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according to a response i saw on google's product forum when i was searching for the same error, here is what some one said
some one asked this question
"i am unable to edit layout widgets due to sidebar moving up and down "
Then Some One responded With This Answers Below
M. Rafizeldi said:
Are you using custom / 3rd party template?
Some template designers expanded the layout container (gray background) width and defined the Main section's width.
Blogger just changed the dashboard's maximum width and scroll bar's position
Element that exceeds/overflows the width will be cropped/hidden, no horizontal scroll bar
Try to revert back to Blogger base template, you won't see this problem
You can't blame Blogger for this.
Expanding / widening Blogger Template Layout is not something designer should do, internal system and design can be change any time.
See what happened to Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla dashboard, they change it many times.
Blogger just give you permission and ability to modify the public design and layout, not this internal layout.
The template designer just found (and hack) it by themselves. I also doing this in my template.
The one that should be take responsible is the template designer Because they don't implement and obey "responsive design" principles in their own template layout design.
Blogger never encourage or tell designer to modify the visual design of Template layout in the admin dashboard. That's just the designer;s discovery, creativity or hack.
Cool thing to do / have, but the risks is yours.
i believe you understand the answer given by M. Rafizeldi because as mentioned, if you know how to to tweak a template, you can tweak it to adjust the blogger preferred width position to remove the scroll bar covering blogger layout gadget edit button or you revert back to any of blogger default template to resolve this issue.
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google also made changes on their keyword planner tool by removing the actual search result data and replacing it with range search result.with such changes, it gives result in ranges instead of the actual searches made by internet they have extended their changes on blogger dashboard, giving them no other choice than to comply with their terms and condition. the catch to this changes will force many bloggers to make use of blogger default template instead of using any third party template you downloaded online. this means that, if you are making use of any third downloaded template, you will experience the scroll bar covering your layout gadgets edit button but if you revert back to any of the default blogger template, then it will be resolved.
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according to a response i saw on google's product forum when i was searching for the same error, here is what some one said
some one asked this question
"i am unable to edit layout widgets due to sidebar moving up and down "
Then Some One responded With This Answers Below
M. Rafizeldi said:
Are you using custom / 3rd party template?
Some template designers expanded the layout container (gray background) width and defined the Main section's width.
Blogger just changed the dashboard's maximum width and scroll bar's position
Element that exceeds/overflows the width will be cropped/hidden, no horizontal scroll bar
Try to revert back to Blogger base template, you won't see this problem
You can't blame Blogger for this.
Expanding / widening Blogger Template Layout is not something designer should do, internal system and design can be change any time.
See what happened to Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla dashboard, they change it many times.
Blogger just give you permission and ability to modify the public design and layout, not this internal layout.
The template designer just found (and hack) it by themselves. I also doing this in my template.
The one that should be take responsible is the template designer Because they don't implement and obey "responsive design" principles in their own template layout design.
Blogger never encourage or tell designer to modify the visual design of Template layout in the admin dashboard. That's just the designer;s discovery, creativity or hack.
Cool thing to do / have, but the risks is yours.
i believe you understand the answer given by M. Rafizeldi because as mentioned, if you know how to to tweak a template, you can tweak it to adjust the blogger preferred width position to remove the scroll bar covering blogger layout gadget edit button or you revert back to any of blogger default template to resolve this issue.
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more articles update is posted on gurubest every day,so don't be the last to get update to your email.Subscribe by email
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So, how can I resolve that issue without reverting to blogger default template.
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