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How To Embed SWF Flash File On Blogger Blog : No Hosting Required

How To Embed SWF Flash File On Blogger Blog. It may interest you to know that there is a trick you can use to embed flash swf file on blogger blog without stress. We both know that blogger, blogspot blog does not have support for hosting files since they want to keep their platform clean from hosting various kinds of files that may end up killing their servers. With regards to this, you can't embed swf flash file on blogger, blogspot blog without using external file hosting site. Simply put, before you can embed flash swf file on blogger blog, you have to first look for a file hosting space that supports such file to enable you embed it on blogspot blog without issue since blogger does not support uploading even an html file, not to talk of flash file such as swf.

How To Embed SWF Flash File On Blogger Blog

If you find yourself with this problem, i am going to share with you on How To Embed Flash SWF File On Blogger Blog.

I got to know about this trick when i wanted to upload questions for Jamb CBT so student can have access to it in order to use the site for practicing computer based test or other kind of Test Questions and the software i got my hands on, enables me to create jamb cbt software or save the files as a web page so that i can upload it to an hosting server. With this, this implies that i have to purchase an hosting space which i don't intend to do for now, so i had to look for an alternative which is to embed flash swf file on blogger blog.

The good thing about the software is that it enables me to save the completed CBT questions in Flash SWF format which i just need to upload into an hosting space and then use an embedding code to embed it on blogger blog. To do this, you still need an hosting space but like i had mentioned before, i don't intend purchase one at the moment. This is why i am making use of blogger blog and i believe some other blogger or website owners making use of blogger blog would love to make use of this trick to embed flash file on blogspot blog so as they can save cash from purchasing hosting space. That is the idea.

To use this trick, we shall be making use of google site platform to host the swf flash file and then embed it in our blogger post. How you may ask. Well, google site is a platform which allows users to create a simple website for their service, just like blogger blog, google site is also used for blogging but it has other features you can't find on blogger blog such as attachment which you can use to upload files and then use it on other platform, in this case, blogger blog.

I was using google drive before now but it appears that google drive is not working any more since i got a news that google has stopped hosting of files for web use on google drive. Note that you can store files as usual on google drive but you can host the file to be used for website purpose like before because it seems they have disabled the features for this purpose. This is why i opt in for google site platform to host the file and then use it to embed flash swf on blogger blog with a code i will share. So follow the steps to get it done

How To Embed SWF Flash File On Blogger Blog

you need to first set up a website on google site. Just login with your gmail account on google site platform via link

==> after login to your account, create a site by clicking on the create button

==> when done with setting up the site, click on that particular site name to go to the dashboard.

==> Inside the dashboard, scroll to the upper right, you will see settings gear button, click on it

==> list of options will display, scroll down and click on Manage Site

==> it will take you to another page, scroll down to the left side bar, you will see an option called Attachment, click on it

==> it will take you to the attachment window, scroll up to the left, you will see an option called upload.

==> Click on the upload button to upload the swf flash file. Make sure to name the file without space, this way you won't have problem. Example, instead of naming the file "testing flash", you should name it "testingflash" without space

==> after uploading of the swf flash file, take note of the name of the file.

==> Now go to your blogger blog to create a blog post, inside the blog post, use the code below to embed the flash swf file into the blogger blog post. make sure to use the blogger HTML editor instead of the Compose Editor. this way it will be seen as an html code.

<embed src=" " width="540" height="140" pluginspage="http:// getflashplayer"></embed>

now you will have to replace the google site url with yours. The only changes will be from the sitename/testflash.swf

so replace sitename with your own sitename and then replace testflash with the name you used to save the file without touching the .swf extension because it must end with .swf.

After making the changes, publish the post and view it, you will see that the swf flash has been embeded in your blogger blog post.
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1 Responses to "How To Embed SWF Flash File On Blogger Blog : No Hosting Required"

  1. This guy na father.. nice one sir.
    love your work realy.keep it up man!!!. commenting from commenting from Damytechs Blog


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