Google To Dsiable Adsense Serving Sites With Fake News. google has taking the decision to add a new adsense policy to their terms and conditions to kick against website that is publishing fake news. this means that google plan to disable adsense serving website that publishes fake news to generate traffic from search engines and social media network sites. so many bloggers and website owners have taking advantage in publishing fake news in order to generate massive traffic and earn revenue from google adsense program. google has made it clear in their new adsense policy to prevent the spread of fake news on website that is using google advert to earn revenue from the traffic generated from fake news contents. so if you are fond of promoting fake news on social media for the purpose of generating traffic and earning money from google adsense program, then you may want to start checking your blog or website for any of the fake news you have published in recent times to avoid getting your account banned from adsense program.

according to Google, “We've been working on an update to our publisher policies and will start prohibiting Google ads from being placed on misrepresentative content, just as we disallow misrepresentation in our ads policies,”. “Moving forward, we will restrict ad serving on pages that misrepresent, misstate, or conceal information about the publisher, the publisher's content, or the primary purpose of the web property.”
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this is a serious issue and most bloggers are taking advantage of it to earn from google adsense program and also generate massive traffic through the use of social media and search engine. so to avoid this sort of things from happening, the new google adsense policy update frown at websites that promote fake news contents. some people may ask, how would google be able to know if such news is fake or not since they are not seeing your activities, well, google has sophisticated tools to monitor sites that publish fake news contents and they will disable your website from serving ads or probably ban you from the program. so take note of this and cross check your blog to remove fake news contents before its too late.
even facebook has added a new policy too on their social media network to counter fake news contents. guess other platform will implement this to prevent further issues degenerated from fake news contents.
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