How To Cite A YouTube Video apa : Easy Steps. In this post, i am going to show you how to cite a YouTube Video Apa. this means that after reading this post, you can be able to learn how to cite a YouTube video in apa. As a researcher or some one who is writing a project, you will need to learn how to reference a YouTube video apa , to enable you add it as part of your reference in your research work or project. This makes the project or research work complete. Lots of students, researchers makes use of YouTube to find visual materials that is related to their project work. since there are lots of educational materials available on, it can be one of the best website to do your research findings and make things easy for you since the authors/tutors do practical teachings.therefore, citing a youtube video in apa, it gives your research work credibility and authenticity.
But the issue most researchers are facing is not knowing how to cite YouTube video in apa. Probably this is because its not in text books or maybe in text citation. YouTube is a website where video is been uploaded and it makes the citation a little bit confusing for students and researchers for reference purpose. So i am going to show you how to reference a YouTube video.
Its not difficult to cite YouTube videos in apa , provided you already have the link to the YouTube video you want to cite or make reference to. Just follow the steps below to get it done without problem
How To Cite A Youtube Video Apa
To cite a youtuibe video In text, apa. you have to follow the structure below
Last Name, Or [Username]. (Year, Month Date). Title of video. [Video File]. Retrieved from Link URL.
With the above, your reference citation will start from the name or Username of the author, then followed by the year, month, date.then followed by the title of the video.[video File, in this case mp4].next will be the link url of the video
Here is how it will look like with illustration
lets say i went to youtube and search for a video. I finally saw this particular video and wish to cite it on my project work as reference. Example video is
now with the structure given above, here is how to cite a youtube video in apa
Example Below
[bedfordng]. (2012 July 25 ). how to download YouTube video using operamini with mobile phone. [mp4]. Retrieved From
guess with the above, you can be able to cite a YouTube video in apa
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But the issue most researchers are facing is not knowing how to cite YouTube video in apa. Probably this is because its not in text books or maybe in text citation. YouTube is a website where video is been uploaded and it makes the citation a little bit confusing for students and researchers for reference purpose. So i am going to show you how to reference a YouTube video.
Its not difficult to cite YouTube videos in apa , provided you already have the link to the YouTube video you want to cite or make reference to. Just follow the steps below to get it done without problem
How To Cite A Youtube Video Apa
To cite a youtuibe video In text, apa. you have to follow the structure below
Last Name, Or [Username]. (Year, Month Date). Title of video. [Video File]. Retrieved from Link URL.
With the above, your reference citation will start from the name or Username of the author, then followed by the year, month, date.then followed by the title of the video.[video File, in this case mp4].next will be the link url of the video
Here is how it will look like with illustration
lets say i went to youtube and search for a video. I finally saw this particular video and wish to cite it on my project work as reference. Example video is
now with the structure given above, here is how to cite a youtube video in apa
Example Below
[bedfordng]. (2012 July 25 ). how to download YouTube video using operamini with mobile phone. [mp4]. Retrieved From
guess with the above, you can be able to cite a YouTube video in apa
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