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Ransomware Protection - How To Protect Your Computer From Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware Protection - How To Protect Your Computer From Ransomware Attacks. Ransomware Attacks, The World's biggest Cyberattack sends countries into disaster recovery mode. lots of countries have been affected with Ransomware Attacks while some country have started Educating their citizens About Ransomware Prevention. this is causing Shutdown Of Government Organizations and ministries in the world right now. Ransomware Attacks which seems to be one of the world's biggest Cyberattack is no doubt causing more harms to innocent victims than good.

Ransomware Attacks

some of you maybe wondering What Is Ransomware, Well, According to WIKI, Ransomware Define, as a type of malicious software that carries out the cryptoviral extortion attack from cryptovirology that blocks access to data until a ransom is paid and displays a message requesting payment to unlock it. Simple ransomware may lock the system in a way which is not difficult for a knowledgeable person to reverse.

advanced malware encrypts the victim's files, making them inaccessible, and demands a ransom payment to decrypt them.The Ransomware Attacks may also encrypt the computer's Master File Table (MFT) or the entire hard drive.Thus, ransomware is a denial-of-access attack that prevents computer users from accessing files since it is intractable to decrypt the files without the decryption key. Ransomware attacks are typically carried out using a Trojan that has a payload disguised as a legitimate file.

so for those who don't know what Ransomware Attacks is all about i want to believe you have gotten a little knowledge about this Ransomware Virus that is causing Kayos in the world right now as lots of Governmental Organizations and Ministries have been shut down due to their computers being infected With Ransomware Virus.

this is not a joke and the situation is very critical. imaging your are being locked out from your computer and all you see in the display is a Ransom window Asking you to pay certain amount for you to unlock your computer, without paying the said amount asked by the Ransomware Attacks, then your will be locked out from using your computer unless you Have a, ransomware removal tool.

now the issue is that ransomware removal tool is pretty expensive to get as most of the developer are selling the tools way much higher than the price being asked from the Ransomware Virus. so what would you do, Either to pay for the Ransomware Attacks or to get the ransomware removal tool, the choice is yours else your computer will not be available for you to use.

the next option would be to format/wipe the Operating system right. well, you can only do this if you have taken some measures In ransomware prevention by backing up your files and documents in a separate External Hard Drive or another computer that is not connected to the internet. this way, you have a copy of your important files and document. if such Ransomware protection measures has been taken long before the Ransomware Attacks, then you can go ahead and format/wipe your computer operating system without having a second thought. this is the only way you can be ready should in case your computer got infected with Ransomware Virus.

although, some website claims to have ransomware decryption tools which you can use to save yourself from paying the ramsomeware ransom. some even claims to provide such services for free.

How To Protect Your Computer From Ransomware Attacks

==> Always make regular Backup Of All your Important Files And Documents into a separate External Hard Drive Or Computer You Don't normally use Online

==> Make sure you have an effective Antivirus if you can't afford Ransomware Removal Tool.

==> Always Make sure you don't download any kind of attachments being sent via email if you don't know who sent it

==> make sure to always install software you downloaded from a genuine software vendor. don't download software from sources that is not genuine, Especially Cracked/Nulled Software because it is one of the fastest way your computer can be infected with Ransomware Attacks.

==> Before Using Any external Hard drive or Flash Drive brought by a friend or someone, Make sure is is properly scanned before you open it, this means you need to have a very good and active antivirus

==> don't insert your personal flash drive, Hard drive into some one's computer if you don't trust them.
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