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how to extract zip file in 000webhost - Simple Trick

how to extract zip file in 000webhost. do doubt that 000webhost is one of the top most choice web hosting providers that have stand through the test of time.lots of us who started learning how to design website using html or php most of used 000webhost during the early stage due to the fact that one has to limit spending on hosting and domain.with this, 000webhost is the best free hosting provider to test out your skills. like they said, 000webhost is made for educational purpose, to learn how to perform task on hosting environment.

how to extract zip file in 000webhost

although there are some limitations to the accessibility and features on 000webhost because it is free and one of those limitations is that you cannot extract or unzip files on 000webhost directly.this is why i am writing this article on how to extract zip file in 000webhost. normally on paid hosting, there is a feature to extract or unzip archive files after being uploaded to the hosting.

but with most free hosting providers such as bytehost, infinityfree, this features is disabled. almost all free hosting providers disable extraction feature on their hosting plan, leaving you to upgrade so that you can have the features to the extract, unzip option. better still, most of them have ftp features which you can use online ftp site to extract but most of the free online ftp site are very slow when it comes to extracting huge files. this is why this trick will be of help to you as you don't have to make use of online ftp site to extract files to 000webhost.

there is no option for you to extract file on 000webhost. in fact, there control panel is different from what you normally because they are not using the popular cpanel.

you may ask, why do i need  000webhost extract zip file features when i can just use filezilla to upload the files one by one until it it completed. well, you can do that but it will not be as effective as when you zip the files and upload it to your hosting.

this is because, it takes few minutes to upload zipped file and extract it. but when you make use of filezilla or any other ftp software to upload your website files directly, it takes time for it to be transferred.

also, some of the files may be corrupted during the process and you might not know which of the files got corrupted, leaving you to start guessing and re-uploading all the files again and again.
at times, there may be network issue and some files may not be uploaded, leaving you to start guessing again which of the file is to be re-uploaded. this is why i prefer compiling all the files in a zip format and then upload it to the website, then extract it in one piece. this makes it easy for the files to be transferred to your hosting server because all the files are inside zip.

that being said, if you are making use of 000webhost and you are finding it difficult to perform 000webhost extract zip file, then this post will show you how to extract unzip file in 000webhost.

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how to extract zip files on 000webhost

==> upload the zip file in the directory you want in your server

==> download this script via link below

==> after downloading, extract and upload the file unzipper.php into the same directory where the zip file you uploaded is.

==> visit your website url pointing to the unzipper.php link.

for example, if you uploaded the zip file in your root domain and also the unzipper.php file,

then you will have to visit your website domain with the link . e.g

but if you uploaded the zip in a sub domain or a folder, then you have to visit the domain path to the folder or subdomain. e.g


once you visit the link, it will take you to a page where you will see all the zip files inside the domain path you uploaded it to.

all you need to do is to select the zip file you wish to extract and then click the Unzip Archive button to complete extraction.

when i did it, it took less than few seconds to unzip the file.

you can also use it to create a Zip file in your server too using the second option there.

this is fast and swift, on like using filezilla or online ftp services.

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