how to fix wamp server The application was unable to start correctly (0xc00007b).lots of you must have come across this error of wamp server php-win.exe - The application was unable to start correctly (0xc00007b) after successfully installing wamp server software to enable you run php file on your computer through localhost.
well, this happens a lot especially with latest version of wamp server software or if you are just installing for the first time. i have experienced this a lot after fresh install of windows operating system, whether windows 7, 8 or 10. the wamp server keeps displaying such error "php-win.exe - The application was unable to start correctly 0xc00007b". click ok to close the application without giving any clue on how to fix it.
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when this happens to me, the only way i usually fix this is to make sure i find most of the missing important DLL files such as msvcr120, msvcr110, msvcp120 and then add it in the appropriate system directory which is located in both C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ and C:\Windows\System32
this is because the file enables wamp server to run if it is detected in those directory and if you placed it wrongly, then you will experience the wamp server error saying "The application was unable to start correctly 0xc00007b" which will also display something like php-win.exe in the dialog window or something else. which ever the case may be, just follow the process i took to fix it.
how to fix wamp server The application was unable to start correctly (0xc00007b)
in my case, i placed the dll files in the wrong directory. instead of placing the 32bit dll files in C:\Windows\SysWOW64 On a 64bit version of Windows Operating System and also instead of placing the 64 bit dll files in C:\Windows\System32. i did the opposite which was causing the wamp server error "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc00007b)"
in essence, the default folder for 32bit DLL-files is to be placed in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ , and the 64bit dll-files is to be placed in C:\Windows\System32\. this may be confusing but its pretty straight forward.
to make things easier for you also, i found a site where you can download those missing dll files. so download both the 32 bit version and also 64bit version and place in the appropriate folders.
to make it easier for you to identify after downloading, always rename the zip file with the bit version. for example, after downloading any of the 32bit dll file, such as msvcr120, msvcr110, msvcp120
make sure to rename the zip before extracting it. you can rename e.g msvcr120_32bit msvcr110_32bit, msvcp120_32bit
also do same for 64bit dll file too. e.g msvcr120_64bit, msvcr110_64bit, msvcp120_64bit
this way you can easily identify them because when you download any of the version, it will be downloaded with its original name regardless of what version you downloaded. it won't specify if it is 64bit or 32bit. so you will have to take care of that by downloading them and renaming appropriately before extracting.
so visit site below and use the search option to find and download the missing dll files, you can start with major once which are
msvcr120, msvcr110, msvcp120
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well, this happens a lot especially with latest version of wamp server software or if you are just installing for the first time. i have experienced this a lot after fresh install of windows operating system, whether windows 7, 8 or 10. the wamp server keeps displaying such error "php-win.exe - The application was unable to start correctly 0xc00007b". click ok to close the application without giving any clue on how to fix it.
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when this happens to me, the only way i usually fix this is to make sure i find most of the missing important DLL files such as msvcr120, msvcr110, msvcp120 and then add it in the appropriate system directory which is located in both C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ and C:\Windows\System32
this is because the file enables wamp server to run if it is detected in those directory and if you placed it wrongly, then you will experience the wamp server error saying "The application was unable to start correctly 0xc00007b" which will also display something like php-win.exe in the dialog window or something else. which ever the case may be, just follow the process i took to fix it.
how to fix wamp server The application was unable to start correctly (0xc00007b)
in my case, i placed the dll files in the wrong directory. instead of placing the 32bit dll files in C:\Windows\SysWOW64 On a 64bit version of Windows Operating System and also instead of placing the 64 bit dll files in C:\Windows\System32. i did the opposite which was causing the wamp server error "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc00007b)"
in essence, the default folder for 32bit DLL-files is to be placed in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ , and the 64bit dll-files is to be placed in C:\Windows\System32\. this may be confusing but its pretty straight forward.
to make things easier for you also, i found a site where you can download those missing dll files. so download both the 32 bit version and also 64bit version and place in the appropriate folders.
to make it easier for you to identify after downloading, always rename the zip file with the bit version. for example, after downloading any of the 32bit dll file, such as msvcr120, msvcr110, msvcp120
make sure to rename the zip before extracting it. you can rename e.g msvcr120_32bit msvcr110_32bit, msvcp120_32bit
also do same for 64bit dll file too. e.g msvcr120_64bit, msvcr110_64bit, msvcp120_64bit
this way you can easily identify them because when you download any of the version, it will be downloaded with its original name regardless of what version you downloaded. it won't specify if it is 64bit or 32bit. so you will have to take care of that by downloading them and renaming appropriately before extracting.
so visit site below and use the search option to find and download the missing dll files, you can start with major once which are
msvcr120, msvcr110, msvcp120
visit to view the latest post update you are not seeing right now.
more articles update is posted on gurubest every day,so don't be the last to get update to your email.Subscribe by email
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