firefox legacy extensions : how to use old firefox extensions alternative. it may interest you to know that the latest firefox web browser does not support old plugins/extensions anymore. the upgrade has made it difficult to support old firefox extensions. this means that if you have been a fan of firefox and making use of their extensions, you no longer have options to make use of their old extensions which is now called legacy extensions.
lots of people have been asking me how to make use of old firefox extensions on latest firefox web browser but i still haven't gotten any working trick to make use of it but i have an alternative web browser which you can make use of to enable you install old firefox extensions. there are lots of web browsers that makes use of Gecko which a browser engine developed by Mozilla. with this, the web browser will enable you install old firefox extensions. i have been using it for some time and it seems to work fine.
you may ask why would i want to make use of old firefox extensions when i can upgrade to latest firefox and make use of their upgraded extensions. well, most of the upgraded extensions doesn't support old firefox version because the extensions have been upgraded to web extensions. its no longer legacy extension and thus making it difficult to make use of some of your favorite firefox extensions.
this prevents you from installing some of the extensions that has not been upgraded yet or better still, even if the extension has been upgraded, there may be some features that will not be present. take imacro firefox extension for example, the latest version of imacro for firefox does support saving files to your computer and other features except you purchase the premium version.
with this, you can't be able to make use of imacro for firefox latest version effectively like the old version. for this reasons, you will be forced to purchase their premium version which is very expensive. but with the older version of imacro extensions, you can be able to use most of the features without the need to purchase their premium version. the same applies to other firefox extensions as lots of them have been upgraded and it requires you to purchase premium version to get most of the features that was present in their older version. don't know why this sudden changes though but there is a solution.
the solution is to make use of alternative firefox web browser that support firefox extension
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there is a web browser called waterfox which you can use to run old firefox legacy extensions. Waterfox focuses on giving users choice. The browser is focused on power users, which lets you make the important decisions. There is no plugin whitelist (meaning you can run Java Applets and Silverlight apps), you can run whichever extensions you like (including bootstrapped add-ons that can completely change functionality of the browser) and absolutely no data or telemetry is sent back to Mozilla or the Waterfox project.
just download and install, then install any of the old firefox legacy extensions you wish to make use of and vioola, it should work. download via link below
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lots of people have been asking me how to make use of old firefox extensions on latest firefox web browser but i still haven't gotten any working trick to make use of it but i have an alternative web browser which you can make use of to enable you install old firefox extensions. there are lots of web browsers that makes use of Gecko which a browser engine developed by Mozilla. with this, the web browser will enable you install old firefox extensions. i have been using it for some time and it seems to work fine.
you may ask why would i want to make use of old firefox extensions when i can upgrade to latest firefox and make use of their upgraded extensions. well, most of the upgraded extensions doesn't support old firefox version because the extensions have been upgraded to web extensions. its no longer legacy extension and thus making it difficult to make use of some of your favorite firefox extensions.
this prevents you from installing some of the extensions that has not been upgraded yet or better still, even if the extension has been upgraded, there may be some features that will not be present. take imacro firefox extension for example, the latest version of imacro for firefox does support saving files to your computer and other features except you purchase the premium version.
with this, you can't be able to make use of imacro for firefox latest version effectively like the old version. for this reasons, you will be forced to purchase their premium version which is very expensive. but with the older version of imacro extensions, you can be able to use most of the features without the need to purchase their premium version. the same applies to other firefox extensions as lots of them have been upgraded and it requires you to purchase premium version to get most of the features that was present in their older version. don't know why this sudden changes though but there is a solution.
the solution is to make use of alternative firefox web browser that support firefox extension
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web browser that support firefox enable legacy extensions
there is a web browser called waterfox which you can use to run old firefox legacy extensions. Waterfox focuses on giving users choice. The browser is focused on power users, which lets you make the important decisions. There is no plugin whitelist (meaning you can run Java Applets and Silverlight apps), you can run whichever extensions you like (including bootstrapped add-ons that can completely change functionality of the browser) and absolutely no data or telemetry is sent back to Mozilla or the Waterfox project.
just download and install, then install any of the old firefox legacy extensions you wish to make use of and vioola, it should work. download via link below
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